In this dynamic online course, Anita Ross takes us through the nuts and bolts of achieving self-love and embracing extraordinary living. In just 3 hours, we will cover:
- Understanding self-love and the role it plays in our personal fulfillment, career, overall health, etc.
- The barriers to self-love
- The role our choices play
- How to remove our personal roadblocks from achieving our true desires
- Getting authentic in all aspects of our lives
- The role self-care plays
- Circumstance-driven vs. dream-driven living
- Living from your vision
- Exploring purpose, passion, gifts and skills
- Significance of showing up for yourself, others and the world.
- Tools for Sustaining Positive Life Choices
In addition, you will receive a workbook that follows along with the curriculum.
Tuition: $75
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CLICK HERE to register and you will receive you course packet.